What is (your) impact, anyway?

Back in May in Santiago, we argued for some time about what we wanted to achieve out of this year and every engagement we would have. We wanted to learn from the mistakes that Start-Up Chile had.

We agreed that we would constantly face the same dilemma, whereas we want to increase our impact by staying in the same place for a longer period or extend our reach by finding projects with another rising entrepreneurial community in a different city.

Now looking for our 2015 partners, we come back to the same question. After our experience in Santiago, İstanbul and Yangon, we know the value we create along with our partners and have grown confident about our performance and results* wherever we go, yet the question remains the same.

While we get to clarify what are they in our potential accomplices’ expectations and how to track what we have done with our past-and-current partners, here’s to impact and reach – meeting new partners, caring about their needs, figuring out and pushing projects, highs-and-lows, delivering, ongoing learning, satisfaction out of accomplishment, numbers in charts, shared laughter and thankful words. Here’s to great, remarkable work, where (your) invested time and energy have changed something for someone for good!

And that’s that. For us and for the time being, this will do, although we still need to find sustainable ways for the impact we are aiming to have. This is the least we owe to the vibrant communities that have taken us in.


Yangon, Myanmar. November 10, 2014. #ttt

* Confidence in knowing that focus on the task at hand and finding more and better ways of collaboration between our partners will have unbelievable (literally, not believable) outcomes.


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Own it!

The bullshit as much as the facts. The fuckups as much as the accomplishments. The shortcomings as much as the achievements. Fear as much as confidence. Defeat as much as victory. Failure as much as success. Even better, reflect credit... Continue →