A hell of a ride!

On building GO (the GO Project) – Reflections sent on Tuesday, June 17, 2014.

Exactly a year ago, we had our first of many Google Hangouts to start talking about the creation of this very unconventional experience that we eventually got to call The GO Project.

It’s been a hell of a ride! Thank you, Megan, Maxwell, Matt, Cecily, Kevin, Minh, Dorothy, and now Noora, for everything! For having this crazy idea, for all the fights, the struggles, the laughs, the dancing, the drinks, the never-ending work, the indecisiveness, the volatile arguments, the (over-budgeted) meals, the lack of sleep, the dreams, the learning, the synchronicity, the randomness, and the countless memories that will take years to process.

Challenges lay ahead of us, and I’m looking forward to face them with you.

Thank you to our partners, for believing in our craziness, and having on board the absurd number of 8+ people to do whatever we wanted to do, and together discover how could we create something that matters and lasts.


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It was after I arrived to Istanbul that I realized our first experience in Santiago had just come to an end; that I had left the best experience of my life so far, not knowing what to expect ahead for us; and that this was actually the very beginning of something bigger (and then I had absolutely no clue how greater this was actually going to be and become). So here’s to purpose, wherever you may find it, make sure you do, and once you do, do it forever!



İstanbul, Türkiye. June 11, 2015. #ttt


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